Wish You Were Here!  (2023) Postcards, postcard rack, 183 x 137 x 137cm

Wish You Were Here! leverages the iconography of a commonplace postcard rack turned upside-down and consisting of a series of postcards that depict images of the exterior and interior spaces of a single home. This installation explores a personal relationship with experiences of single-living, isolation, and loneliness. These themes are bifurcated with an expression of self-absorption that is suggested within the work as the postcards are desperately pre-addressed to the depicted home's address to force the sender to make intimate contact with the home. The excessive display of postcards spill radially from the turned-over rack in a way that inundates the viewer with sprawling images of private space. The effect is disruptive to the common understanding of the practice of sending and receiving postcards as the work evokes a response that is melancholic and pitiful of the depicted spaces and the resident within them. 

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